Posts tagged ‘HealthDay’

Should older men (75 and up) get the PSA test for prostate cancer?

exam table

exam table (Photo credit: Lynn Kelley Author)

Over the life of this blog, I have shared my experience with prostate cancer. I was diagnosed with the disease a few years ago. The cancer was found at an earlier stage, so I elected to have radiation treatment. So far, my PSA levels have been low, and that’s a good thing. HOWEVER, I respect the fact that cancer is a tough and sneaky foe, so I will continue with my PSA tests.

There is a study that came out in the October 16th issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association that suggests that many doctors order PSA tests for men 75 and older. Current guidelines, according to, advise against PSA tests for elderly men. HealthDay reporter Steven Reinberg has the lastest information.

As I have stated many times in this blog, I am not a doctor or a health care professional. I’m simply a baby boomer trying to inspire other men to see the doctor. I certainly do not have the authority to suggest whether older men need these tests.

I do feel a guy needs to meet with his doctor to discuss prostate cancer screening, and the earlier the better. While many prostate cancers are slow growing, men 75 and older have a perfect right to discuss prostate cancer screening with their physicians.  At the end of the day, a decision needs to satisfy the doctor, the patient and the patient’s family.

Don’t downplay the health benefits of walking

English: Walking for Health in Epsom, England....

English: Walking for Health in Epsom, England. A group of walkers are following the walk leader, who is wearing a yellow jacket. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

OK, you want to start an exercise program so you will look great at the beach this summer. A study suggests you don’t have to go to the mall and invest in the latest exercise gear. Nope. How about a good, brisk walk?

According to an article written by HealthDay reporter Steven Reinberg, a study shows that brisk walking is as good as running if you want to reduce three risk factors for heart disease: diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol.

In Reinberg’s article, you’ll learn that running reduced the risk of high blood pressure 4.2 percent and walking reduced the risk 7.2 percent. Also, running reduced the risk for high cholesterol 4.3 percent and walking lowered the risk 7 percent.

Do you have to join a health club to begin a brisk walking program? Absolutely not. How about a brisk walk during your lunch hour at work? A brisk walk can fit into just about anyone’s schedule. Check with your doctor before starting a vigorous exercise program.


Before lifting that glass of beer, consider your cancer risk

Pint of American beer

Pint of American beer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s not my intent to get up on a soapbox and tell everyone to quit drinking immediately.  Despite the known hazards of drinking alcohol, we each must make the decision whether or not to indulge. has a great article that might just convince you to moderate your alcohol intake, or better yet, keep you from starting a habit that can lead to addiction, and perhaps, death.

According to HealthDay reporter Steven Reinberg, a new report indicates that alcohol is to blame for one in every 30 cancer deaths each year in the United States. The report was published online in the American Journal of Public Health.

The report is also critical of moderation, stating that 30 percent of all alcohol-related cancer deaths are linked to drinking 1.5 drinks or less a day.

These are sobering statistics. The next time you visit your doctor, bring up your drinking habits. As awkward and difficult as this may be, your doctor may be able to offer advice that will  lead you to a healthier, happier life.

Why not turn off the computer every once in a while and get some sleep!

I love this picture of a sleeping cat. The kitty is probably dreaming about chasing a cat, a squirrel or a bird. I glance at this picture and wonder if human beings are getting the same amount of quality shut-eye time. Apparently not, according to the latest research.

An article by HealthDay reporter Steven Reinberg says more than a third of Americans get fewer than seven hours of sleep per night. It’s easy to dismiss this subject as somewhat light or amusing, but sleep deprivation can lead to poor work performance and, in extreme cases, traffic fatalities.

The article points out, “According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, drowsiness or nodding off while driving accounts for 1,550 deaths and 40 thousand injuries a year. ” Chronic sleep loss is also associated with obesity.

We are spending far too much time on the computer. I am 110 percent guilty of this. This blog, and some work I do for a local newspaper, requires quite a bit of computer time. Even so, I sometimes spend a little too much “down” time listening to my favorite tunes on YouTube. Hours go by and I may not get my eight hours of quality sleep.

We need to be more like cats (as seen in the above picture).

Eat your fiber and you may live to a ripe old age

Research indicates that it’s time to increase your fiber intake. Now if you think fiber is about as desirable as cod liver oil, think again. Fiber can be found in a wide range of tasty treats from fruits to vegetables to whole grains.

HealthDay reporter Steven Reinberg has an article that points to research from the U.S. National Cancer Institute. Fiber not only can lower your cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure, but it can give you a chance to live to an old age.

Visit the American Heart Association on the Internet and learn about whole grains and fiber.

Of course it’s impossible to say if a high-fiber diet will let you live to 100, but consider it  good medicine to increase your daily intake of fiber.

An end-of-year reminder that baby boomers need to take care of themselves

Conventional (mechanical) sphygmomanometer wit...

Image via Wikipedia

It’s almost the end of the year. As we celebrate the arrival of 2011, it’s time for boomers  (and men of all ages) to start getting in tune with their bodies. It’s time for men to pay attention to health issues and schedule physical examinations. It only takes a few minutes to telephone the neighborhood clinic.

A constant theme of this blog is that men simply don’t want to see the doctor. It’s like auto care. You put off a symptom long enough, and the next thing you know, you could get diagnosed with a major problem. As the following article by HealthDay’s Dennis Thompson reveals, one in five American men has heart disease; one in three adult men in the United States has hypertension, or high blood pressure; three in four American men are packing on too many pounds.

Women are much better at keeping track of their health. Guys need to “man up.”