Welcome to my baby boomer health and wellness blog. If you’re a first-time visitor, poke around a while and let me know what you think. My blog is aimed at baby boomer men who are afraid to visit the doctor. Yet a lot of the information is helpful to women. Many times it’s the woman who persuades her significant “male” other to get off the dime and see the MD. Throughout “Men and Health: It’s a Guy Thing,” I link you to articles on the latest medical trends/developments and offer my thoughts and experiences. I also write articles, based on interviews with doctors and specialists. If a book catches my eye, I’ll post a review. My hope is to add new features to this blog in the weeks and months ahead. Please remember that no website/blog, including the one you are reading, can substitute for a visit to the doctor. In fact, there is one message I try to stress throughout this blog:  See your doctor regularly and keep up to date on cancer and other screenings. As often as I try to update this blog,  it’s hard to keep up on every health and wellness development. That’s where you come in. If I can get you to scroll through this blog, get interested in a topic or two, and do further research, I’ve accomplished my goal. I want this to be an interactive blog. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Feel free to comment on a post or drop me an e-mail at scottguythingblog@gmail.com. Find my Facebook  link on the main page. Thanks again for your visit. Enjoy your stay and please return.

Note: In the event you find a broken link on any of my posts, please drop me a line at scottbkeith@yahoo.com and I’ll fix ASAP. I try to keep up as best I can.

Also, many of  the pictures on my blog come from Morguefile.com. You may visit them at www.morguefile.com.